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In autumn 2020, Jeppe held one

three-day workshop with stage artistic idea and project development for the students of the Danish School of Performing Arts.

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Kristoffer Eriknauer
graduated ACTOR from the Danish School of Performing Arts

"In our work with Jeppe Pachaï, I experienced a surprisingly wide range of different tools that you could choose to and from according to what turned you on in a creative creation process.

There were several times when I experienced that topics and questions that at first seemed unmanageable or difficult to access suddenly became clear and tangible. The work with Jeppe is very "hands on" and the chronological order and development in which you work is extremely well suited to an artist who wants to develop himself.


The tools also seem to be able to work in many contexts - not just performing arts, but a very general approach to some tools that most people would get a lot out of.


I also think that it was inspiring to work with, as I gained greater faith that the projects and ideas I was walking around with could become a concrete reality. I will use the work going forward and I feel quite ready to enter into a conversation and creative collaboration between my future colleagues."


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Takotsubo på ARoS, Aarhus 2023

TAKOTSUBO - Når scenekunst og arkitektur mødes omkring hjertesorg.

I begyndelsen af 2023 udforskede Tegnestuen Rumgehør og et ungt hold af professionelle scenekunstnere med Kaosteater som co-producenter tematikken hjertesorg på ARoS. Her krydsede arkitektur og scenekunst klinger i et 4 uger langt projekt, som mundede ud i fire performative værker.

Holdet bestod af: Dramatiker Lin Melkane, sceneinstruktør Emil Rostrup, dramaturg Marieke Thorndal Asman, skuespiller Jeppe Pachaï, arkitekt Rasmus R. B. Maabjerg, kaospilot Victor Tambo, grafiker Mie Jakobsen.

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